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Fix Crooked and Chipped Teeth with Veneers

Home » Blog » Fix Crooked and Chipped Teeth with Veneers

Have you ever wanted to improve something about your appearance? You want people to notice, but not notice, right? You want people to think, “Wow! They look great,” not, “Wow. They’ve had a lot of work done.”

That’s how a recent patient to Parsons Smile Center felt when he came to us for help. He wanted to approve the appearance of his smile, but with natural results. He was so embarrassed by his crooked and chipped teeth that he rarely smiled, which is a real shame.

Smiling is an essential part of the human experience. We smile to express delight, to greet someone, as a part of laughing, etc. It’s a fundamental way of expressing ourselves. We knew we had to help our patient feel confident again so he could smile anytime he wanted. It was time for a veneers smile makeover!

  • before 1
  • after 1

Repair Chipped and Crooked Teeth with Veneers

Chipped teeth are very common. Most people will chip a tooth at some point in their lifetime. Veneers, also called laminates, are a quick and easy way to repair chips. Crooked teeth can be a bit more complicated to correct with veneers, but as long as you have a minor alignment issue, veneers can prevent the appearance of crooked teeth.

Veneers are custom-made thin shells of porcelain that are bonded to the front of the teeth by your dentist. A thicker section fills in the area that is chipped. If you only have one chipped tooth, you can get one veneer to repair it. Or, as our featured patient did, you can choose to get veneers installed on all of your teeth for a total smile makeover in NYC.

Other cosmetic imperfections that laminates can fix:

  • Stained, dark, and discolored teeth
  • Uneven, misaligned, or irregularly shaped teeth
  • Cracked teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Bite problems
  • Veneers can also lengthen teeth that are shorter than average

How are veneers attached to teeth?

Getting a smile makeover in NYC is easier than you might think — especially if the solution to your dental problem is veneers. Dr. Salha will cover your existing teeth with a wafer-thin layer of porcelain. The laminates are applied by removing 0.3 – 0.5 millimeters off your tooth’s surface area to preserve the tooth’s nerve. You can choose to match the color of your existing teeth exactly, or you can decide to go whiter.

Before and After Veneers

As you can see from his before and after photos, our patient now has a smile he can be proud to show. We hope that friends and family notice that he is more comfortable smiling at them — everyone deserves to express their happiness by smiling!

Do you have chipped or crooked teeth or another cosmetic imperfection, and you’re interested in getting veneers? Call Parsons Smile Center anytime to speak to one of our caring and knowledgeable staff! We want to make your smile makeover dreams come true.


  • tooth
  • Dental bridge near educational model of gum with implant