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How would it feel to overcome your dental anxiety? If dentist dread has kept you from getting the checkups, teeth cleanings, and procedures you need, come talk with Dr. Salha of Parsons Smile Center about sedation dentistry in Flushing, NY.


Sedation Dentistry

How would it feel to overcome your dental anxiety? If dentist dread has kept you from getting the checkups, teeth cleanings, and procedures you need, come talk with Dr. Salha of Parsons Smile Center about sedation dentistry in Flushing, NY.

Even if you have been putting off dentistry for years, you may be able to complete all of that work in one or two comfortable visits. Sedation makes it possible for you to feel completely at ease during any dental appointment.

Why Sedation Dentistry in Flushing, NY?

Sedation dentistry is a great option for patients who:

  • Feel nervous about visiting the dentist
  • Have neurodivergence, mental health, or physical health concerns that affect their ability to sit for dental work
  • Have difficulty getting comfortable in the dentist’s office
  • Have an overactive gag reflex
  • Have TMJ pain or tooth sensitivity that makes procedures difficult
  • Need extensive dental work that they would like to complete in one to two visits

Oral Conscious Sedation

Sit back, relax, and enjoy our patient amenities and entertainment while we treat you to excellent dentistry. Oral conscious sedation will soothe your nerves and give you a relaxed feeling that will last throughout your visit. You’ll walk out of our office with a stunning and healthy smile, but without feeling the stress you normally associate with a dentist visit.
Maybe you need gum disease treatment, a tooth-colored filling, or a dental crown. Sedation dentistry and local anesthesia will make any treatment sensitivity- and worry-free. We can even provide sedation dentistry for patients who want cosmetic procedures like tooth whitening or porcelain veneers. Our Flushing sedation dentist is committed  to do whatever it takes to make your visit as comfortable and stress-free as possible, and you are never rushed as your time in the office is reserved just for you.

How Does Oral Conscious Sedation Work?

Our sedation dentist is pleased to offer oral conscious sedation to our patients. Oral conscious sedation allows patients to remain conscious so they can respond to their dentist’s questions and commands. At the same time, the patient will feel content and calm, and will be able to sit peacefully throughout their entire procedure.
When you come see our sedation dentist for a consultation, he will prescribe the anti-anxiety pill that is right for you. You’ll take the pill shortly before your appointment, and your anxiety will ebb away.

Although oral conscious sedation patients do not usually fall asleep, they may feel as if they are waking up after their procedure. The visit may only feel like a few minutes to the sedation dentistry patient, and they may or may not have any memory of their appointment after it is over.

IV Sedation Dentistry

IV sedation ensures complete tranquility and comfort during your dental visit. Intravenous sedation is administered into the blood during treatment. We monitor your vitals closely for a safe and pain-free procedure.
We reserve IV sedation for our patients who need deeper anesthesia due to extreme anxiety or specific medical requirements. In these cases, a trained anesthesiologist can administer IV sedation, under which you’ll be awake (but completely relaxed) or fully asleep during your procedure. Give us a call today to set up a consultation and find out if you’re a good candidate for IV sedation dentistry.

Sedation Dentists in Flushing You Can Trust

Our team is highly trained in administering quality sedation dentistry. You can trust our board-certified anesthesiologist to adjust your sedation levels as necessary to ensure a safe and comfortable experience with sedation dentistry in Flushing.

Bettering Your Dental Experience

Sedation makes pleasant dentistry possible. Patients of all ages and with all different needs can have a better dental experience with Dr. Salha. Your comfort always comes first. To schedule your appointment, or to learn more about sedation dentistry in Flushing, give us a call today at (718) 939-0862 or fill out our contact form.

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Expertly reviewed by
May 2, 2024
Dr. Fady Salha is a seasoned New York City dentist with over 30 years of experience and a recent master’s degree in Implant Surgery. He is dedicated to providing personalized care, focusing on one patient at a time to ensure comfort and satisfaction in his practice.