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Recently, a patient came to us with significant gaps in-between his teeth in addition to severe periodontal disease. Due to financial constraints, he could not get a fixed bridge, so instead, we opted for four implants and a temporary prosthesis to allow time for healing. Once the implants had completely healed, a permanent denture was made that locks into the implants.

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What are full-arch implants?

Full-arch teeth replacement, also called full-arch implants, differ from traditional dentures because they don’t rest on your gums. Instead, the dental implants are surgically anchored to the jaw and eventually fuse with the bone. These implants act as anchors that secure and stabilize the denture.
Full-arch implants, strategically placed, can replace all the teeth in your upper jaw, lower jaw, or both. Sometimes more implants are needed in the upper jaw as the bone there is not as hard as in the lower jaw. Then, an implant-supported denture is placed to provide stability.

The implant-supported denture is removed nightly for oral care.

Learn more about the differences between traditional dentures and full-arch teeth replacement here.

What are the benefits of full-arch teeth replacement with a denture?

  • It looks and feels natural.
  • Say goodbye to loose-fitting traditional dentures! Implant-supported dentures are remarkably stable. They will not shift around or fall out of your mouth.
  • Speak with ease.
  • There is no gum irritation.
  • Smile with confidence.
  • Chewing sticky, crunchy, and other ‘challenging’ foods is not a problem.
  • The dental implants act as tooth roots, thus maintaining your jawbone and facial structure.
  • There is no need for messy adhesives and other traditional dentures ‘gear.’

How do I care for dentures supported by dental implants?

Brush your teeth in the morning as you usually would. Your morning routine can stay the same once the denture is snapped into place. However, your evening cleaning routine will be a bit different.
Like traditional dentures, implant-supported dentures must be removed every evening to be cleaned. Remove the appliance and brush it with a denture brush, anti-bacterial soap, and water. Be sure to scrub the O-rings carefully and be mindful of any lingering food particles. Place your appliance in a denture box filled with water.

Now it’s time to clean your mouth! Use a soft toothbrush and toothpaste and gently brush all areas of your mouth, including the gum tissue, your tongue, locator abutments, and the roof of your mouth. We also highly recommend purchasing and using a water flosser. This handy gadget shoots a stream of water around your mouth, which flushes away any food debris left behind.

Finally, it is a good idea to use a denture cleaning tablet twice a week to kill any remaining bacteria you may have missed while cleaning the appliance. Be sure to check with Dr. Salha on what brand of cleaning tablet to use, as some may affect the durability of the O-rings.

Keeping your denture and dental implant abutments clean, and debris-free is incredibly important. Just as your regular teeth can fail and loosen if they are not adequately cared for, so can your dental implants. And, your denture may not snap easily back into place if food particles are present on the gums and around the abutments.

And, of course, it is imperative that you maintain a cleaning schedule at Parsons Smile Center so that our dental hygienists and Dr. Salha can keep an eye on your overall oral health.

Can I sleep with my denture in?

No! Your gums need a break from the appliance to air out. Also, wearing your denture for too long can cause your gums to be swollen, painful, and infected. Leave your denture in at night regularly, and there will be bone deterioration, which you definitely don’t want.

Is a full-arch teeth replacement with a snap-on denture right for me?

If you have missing teeth and are wondering if implant-supported dentures are a good choice for you, give us a call to set up a consultation. We’re happy to answer all your questions and look forward to seeing you.


  • tooth
  • Dental bridge near educational model of gum with implant