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When and Why You May Need Crown Lengthening Treatment

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If you have a cavity or a broken tooth, you may need a restoration, such as a crown or bridge. These restorations attach to your natural teeth to restore their appearance and strength. However, if you lack the tooth structure or have a gummy smile, your dentist may first recommend a crown lengthening procedure, which adjusts the position of the gum line to expose more of the tooth’s structure.

At Parsons Smile Center, we offer crown lengthening services for those with gummy smiles, tooth decay below the gum line, or for cosmetic reasons. Regardless of your reason for getting crown lengthening, our unmatched services have restorative and cosmetic benefits with long-lasting results. Dr. Fady Salha has over 30 years of experience and a commitment to using the latest technology, so you can rest assured your smile is in the right hands.

When May You Need a Crown Lengthening Treatment?

Crown lengthening is a simple procedure that involves reshaping the gum and bone tissue surrounding the teeth to expose more of the tooth structure and make them look longer. This treatment can be done for various reasons, including the following:

  • Gummy smile: If your teeth appear short because they are covered with excessive gum tissue, we may remove it during the crown lengthening procedure to create a more even and balanced look.
  • Easier access: A gummy smile can make it challenging to access deep cavities due to the lack of exposed tooth structure. Crown lengthening can help make this process easier and ensure your teeth are properly cleaned and disinfected.
  • Damage below the gum line: For teeth that are broken or decayed below the gum line, crown lengthening exposes more of the tooth and allows for the proper restoration placement.


Typically, crown lengthening is performed under a local anesthetic for a pain-free procedure. Small incisions are made in the gums to separate them from the teeth. Then, the gums and any underlying bone tissue are reshaped and contoured to achieve your desired results. Finally, the area is cleaned and closed with stitches.

We understand getting a dental procedure can be overwhelming, so we will communicate with you every step of the way so you always know what to expect.

4 Benefits of a Crown Lengthening Treatment

Crown lengthening is a versatile treatment that offers patients many benefits. Depending on your reason for needing the procedure, its advantages include the following:

  • Preserve natural teeth: If a tooth is broken below the gum line, removing excess gum tissue can allow us to access the area, install a crown or other restoration, and save the tooth.
  • Improved appearance: For those with gummy smiles, crown lengthening can make teeth and gums look more proportionate, enhancing their appearance and confidence.
  • Reduced risk of decay: Excess gum tissue can make it difficult to properly clean your teeth, increasing your risk of bacteria causing tooth decay. With crown lengthening, you can clean your teeth more effectively.
  • Support a restoration: For a filling or crown to seal properly to the gums and protect the tooth from future infection, the gums must sit at the proper level. Removing excess gum tissue can make the application process easier and better support the restoration.


At Parsons Smile Center, we understand you may have questions about crown lengthening and if it would be the right solution for your oral health concerns. Our knowledgeable team works closely with you to develop a personalized treatment tailored to your unique needs and help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

Learn More About Crown Lengthening Treatment at Parsons Smile Center

Having a gummy smile or a tooth with damage below the gum line, you may be able to get the treatment you need and smile you deserve with crown lengthening. At Parsons Smile Center, we offer crown lengthening services for various reasons, including gummy smiles, tooth decay below the gum line, and cosmetic enhancements. With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Fady Salha uses the latest technology to ensure long-lasting results and a restored smile.

Our experienced team always prioritizes your comfort and safety, taking the time to consider your needs, goals, health history, and personal preferences when creating your treatment plan. We also offer customized financial options so you can get crown lengthening within your budget. Contact us today at (212) 223-5100 or complete our contact form to schedule a consultation.


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