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X-rays and in the mouth of three implants , sinus lift with bone graft and porcelain crowns.

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or call (718) 939-0862 today

Schedule An Appointment

or call (718) 939-0862 today

Schedule An Appointment

or call (718) 939-0862 today

Schedule An Appointment

or call (718) 939-0862 today

Schedule An Appointment

or call (718) 939-0862 today

Schedule An Appointment

or call (718) 939-0862 today

Schedule An Appointment

or call (718) 939-0862 today


This case is extraction of an  front tooth , immediate implant – same day / appointment , bone graft, PRF- platelet rich fibrin,  temporary post and temporary crown. Patient walked out with a natural looking non removable tooth the looked and felt like his own tooth before the tooth was pulled out

Schedule An Appointment

or call (718) 939-0862 today

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